Rafael Bienvenido Mercedes, José A. Vólquez, Mucer Starling Rosario Strengthening Professional Technical Education in the Dominican Republic
Amaury Beltré-García, Víctor Manuel Bello-Adames Study of didactic strategies employed by sixth grade elementary school teachers in districts 02-05 and 02-06 to promote listening comprehension and fluency in oral expression in English
Luz Idania Mora López Study of Working Memory and Attention in Academic Performance in Second Grade Students of the Urania Montás Annexed School
Angel Mirabal, Renzo Roncagliolo Teacher mentorship and training and its connection with learning improvement in Reading Comprehension and Math: a school-centered experience in schools from Montecristi
Elisa Núñez Severino Teacher Perception of the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum at the Primary Level
Lida de la Caridad Sánchez Ramírez The collaborative investigative method based on TACs for teacher research training
Germania Felix, Issa Morillo The French language in the Dominican Republic: realities and perspectives
Maribel Núñez Méndez The new teacher at the higher level. An innovative program for university teacher training
Julio Suárez Santos, Carmen Flores de Henríquez, Jacqueline Saldívar Evangelista The Performance of Visual Arts Teachers in the José F. Peña Gómez and Monseñor F. Panal Educational Centers, of Regional 07 of the 2023-2024 school year
Carmen Maura Taveras Alcántara, María Verónica Santelices Etchegaray The relationship between students’ motivation, vocation, and information with the selection of a higher education program
Silvia Mercedes Batista Aracena The teacher facing the development of socio-affective competencies of students at the secondary level
Naomy Alexandra Morales Torres, Laura Gálvez Días, Dinalis Virginia Rosario Mena The use of TIC in the teaching-learning process of mathematics in the students of 1st C, of the Liceo María Canela Tiburcio, Monseñor Nouel, Period 2021-2022
Wanderlis Benítez Pinales, Yanice María Romero de Tapia, Fernando José Tapia Luzardo The use today of conceptual maps and cognitive maps of algorithm for the teaching of chemistry in 5th grade of the secondary level. Case: Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons
Karol Ramírez-Chinchilla Theoretical-Methodological Approach for the Use of Virtual Platforms in Distance Higher Education in Costa Rican Prisons
José Antonio Pellerano Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas y graduación del nivel medio: evidencia de un programa a gran escala en la República Dominicana
Richard Almaguer López, Ovel Mena Pérez, Jorge Luis Abreus Mora Virtual environments and assessment of learning in times of confinement. An experience in Physical Culture
Diana Mercedes Angarita Roa, Sandra Patricia Grijalva Ávila, Martha Díaz Mora, Miryam Elvira Bautista Gil Well – be – well, my engine to be able to learn
Claudia Esperanza Carvajal Monroy, María de los Ángeles Moreno Padilla, Porfiria Mercedes, Ana María Botache Carvajal, Elimary Jerez Eduvigis, Cristina Rodríguez Mota “Coexist and be happy” Education for coexistence and conflict prevention in the school context