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Author Guidelines

By submitting papers, authors grant the Ideice International Congress the right to publish, reproduce, distribute and exhibit the work worldwide in any medium and format, including, but not limited to, printed and electronic media. In addition, the organizers reserve the right to suggest modifications to the abstracts or full texts in order to adapt them to the style and presentation rules established in the Congress rules.

Elements of the submission template

1. Title of the paper

It is recommended to use a concise title of no more than 15 words that is specific and reflects the content of the presentation.

2. Abstract

The main purpose of the abstract is to summarize the essence of your paper and give readers a general idea of your presentation. Here are some suggestions for preparing your abstract:

  • State the main objective of your presentation and highlight the most important aspects of your research.
  • Briefly describe the methods and techniques you used to conduct your research.
  • Present the main results and conclusions of your research.

Remember that the abstract should be brief and concise. Make sure that your text does not exceed 250 words and that it is easy to read and understand.

3. Keywords

In this section include between three and five keywords that allow the paper to be properly classified and organized within the congress program. It is important that these keywords reflect the main idea of the research presented. Each word should be included in this section separated by commas and with capital letters in the first letter of each word.

4. Introduction

This section presents the research problem and the theoretical basis, objectives and justification of the work to be presented.

5. Method

This section details the focus of the study, the sample used (if applicable), as well as the techniques and procedures employed during the study. It is essential to provide detailed and accurate information that allows readers to assess the validity and reproducibility of the study. This includes describing the study design, the selection of participants or samples, the instruments or tools used to collect data, and any statistical analyses performed.

6. Results

In this section the results of the research are presented and discussed. The use of graphs and tables is allowed, avoiding redundancy. Tables and graphs should be in editable format.

7. Discussion and conclusions

In this section there should be a clear relationship between the objectives and the results of the work.

8. References

In this section, references should be listed in alphabetical order. All references should be related to the citations used in the manuscript.

General recommendations

These recommendations are designed to help authors prepare their paper for an effective presentation.

  • The manuscript should follow a clear, coherent structure, with appropriate technical language that is understandable to the target audience.
  • It is recommended that the manuscript be between 1000 and 2000 words in length, including references.
  • All citations and references should be correctly cited according to APA Seventh Edition. The use of bibliographic management tools is recommended to avoid errors.
  • The work should present an original and significant contribution to the field of study. Repetition of information already found in the existing literature should be avoided.

You can submit your paper by clicking here.