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Tecnología educativa

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Methodological approach for the construction of a guide for virtual teaching and learning in higher education

May 23, 2024


This article presents advances in the research of the doctoral thesis, to build a methodological guide for virtual teaching and learning in higher education institutions in the Dominican Republic. This study is motivated, therefore, because of the pandemic generated by COVID-19, which forced educational institutions to virtualize their teaching-learning processes to ensure the continuity of education, replicating in virtuality what happens in the face-to-face modality with limited preparation of the main actors. It rescues the need to deepen and look for new ways to manage knowledge from the virtual modality, considering the experience lived by teachers. This study is based on the perspective of Social Constructionism, from which discursive action becomes relevant and from its approaches, social reality is built from everyday life. For Gergen (2014) it allows to establish a new meaning to the relationship between what is investigated with those who investigate it. From a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method, I seek to interpret the senses produced through the discursive practices of university professors to, from their voices, favor the processes of transformation on the methodological procedures and the management of teachers, on virtual environments. I intend to provide a methodological route from which teaching can be given with the confidence and security of the benefits of the tool, and with the certainty that its teaching process impacts on quality learning for its students. I will apply a questionnaire, structured by five competences, in the light of the approaches of García (2014). This questionnaire has been validated by an expert and includes the guidelines to be part of the methodological guide that contributes to the improvement of teaching and learning from the virtual modality.


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