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Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Psychopedagogical strategies for the attention to diversity with counselors of 10 educational centers of district 04-05 of Yaguate

September 19, 2023


In recent years it has been possible to implement in the educational system the ordinance 04 -2018, which regulates the guidelines for the attention to diversity in schools, the large number of students with Specific Educational Support Needs associated disability, forces us to implement strategies and methodology that respond to the different styles and rhythms of learning.

The main objective of this work is to present a teaching proposal that achieves progress in the learning of students in conditions of vulnerability, empowering the counselors for the implementation of the different measures of attention to diversity, and leave installed capacity in teachers to develop inclusive schools, for this we made a triple diagnosis approaching the reality of the selected educational centers of the district 04- 05 of Yaguate, San Cristobal.

In addition, we have based our work on a theoretical framework related to the analysis of the existing conditions of disability in the Regional Education 04, San Cristobal, and based on a methodology focused on action research, after this we presented the proposal in three phases, which are: presentation of the project, socialization with the management teams of the schools and 18 training meetings with 20 selected counselors. The topics worked on during the workshops were: Legal framework that supports inclusion in the Dominican Republic, Diversity Attention Measures, Universal Learning Design (DUA), Multilevel teaching, cognitive processes, learning difficulties and elements to develop inclusive schools.


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