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Management and leadership in the educational system

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Educational groups thought from the perspective of critical theory and education

September 18, 2023


For the implementation of the pedagogical proposal, the construction of pedagogical groups for discussion, analysis and reflection on specific problems of the teaching-learning process is proposed. The pedagogical groups in the Freirian theory seek “the change of face of the school” for Freire this process goes through the change of the daily life of the school, working intensely with the collaboration of many competent people and listening to the members of the community educational. The pedagogical groups are developed as a strategy of integration and participation of the entire educational community in the knowledge of the problems of educational practice and the search for alternatives to the solution of specific problems.

The educational District 04-03 of San Cristóbal in the Dominican Republic in order to strengthen these learning spaces and depth in the search for solutions to problems and systematize methodologies that become good practices, seeks to make this a space for reflection- action that facilitates its execution and functionality in the Educational Centers. In the field of regulations, its operation has had a series of administrative and theoretical limitations, as shown in the findings of the results of a diagnosis on the operation and achievements of the pedagogical groups carried out in the 2019-2020 school year in the South-central Region of the country, which reveal that the assessment made by teachers of this space for reflection, have determined that the functionality objectives of what is proposed are only achieved by an average of 16%.

In the context, the implementation of the theoretical-methodological foundations of Freirian critical theory in the configuration of the pedagogical groups of reflection analysis will be supported by the leadership of teachers and other members of the school system.


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