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Management and leadership in the educational system

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Resiliency and Burnout in Secondary School Teachers

September 18, 2023


The present study focuses on the resilience and burnout of secondary school teachers in a province of the Dominican Republic. It is a study with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental - cross-sectional design with correlational scope. The participants were 575 secondary school teachers from 29 schools in the province of San Pedro de Macorís. The Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale was used to measure resilience and the Maslach Burnout Inventory, educator version, was used to evaluate job burnout. The results indicate a tendency towards moderate-high and high levels of resilience among the participating teachers. 10.3% of the sample presented the pattern of job burnout in stage 8 known as "full job burnout" and 26.6% presented job burnout in stage 1 "absence of burnout". The correlation analysis shows a positive association between the subscale of personal achievement and resilience and a negative association between the subscale of emotional exhaustion and resilience.


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