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Social sciences and citizenship: reality and perspective

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Do public early childhood policies support the social and economic development of Dominican women?

September 8, 2023


Many countries include early childhood care programs to support women's participation in the labor market. In the Dominican Republic, these programs were expanded in 2013 with the government strategy Quisqueya Empieza Contigo (QEC) launch. This research seeks to understand how early childhood policies support Dominican women in their social and economic inclusion through a mixed methodological approach. The qualitative phase of the study included a documentary review and in-depth interviews with five professionals from the early childhood sector. From a quantitative point of view, fifty-four mothers and users of the services offered by the Centros de Atención Integral a la Primera Infancia (Caipi) were surveyed. The research results reveal that the early childhood policies installed in the country do not have immediate goals related to women. Likewise, Caipi users indicated that the services have allowed them to study and work. Some research opportunities are discussed.


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Dirección General de Programas Especiales de la Presidencia [Digepep]. (2013) Lineamientos Plan Nacional de Protección y Atención Integral a la Primera Infancia.

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Ministerio de Administración Pública [MAP]. (2020). Estadísticas por institución: Inaipi. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Recuperado de