The quality of teaching work depends on the willingness and competence of teachers to evaluate their students' knowledge and make decisions that promote learning. Consequently, this study sought to compare the level of teaching performance in classroom management (effective use of time, planning strategies, methodologies, conflict resolution and relationship with students with Specific Educational Support Needs - SEN) and its implications between experienced and new teachers in educational centers in Region 12. The instruments used were two questionnaires: one to collect teachers' perceptions and the other to observe classroom practice. The results showed little difference between the time management of the DE is 14.03 and DI is 17.84, the most predominant planning strategy for both DE and DI is the strategy by learning unit, the methodology used is dialogic inquiry, games, learning by discovery and problems, but not project-based learning, and they show strengths in conflict management, but not in the preparation and attention to students with SEN.
The findings place the majority of both experienced and new teachers at the basic level, then at the outstanding level, and to a lesser extent at the proficient and insufficient levels. It can be affirmed, then, that both teachers show strengths and opportunities for improvement in the classroom management dimensions analyzed in this research.
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