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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Promoting school improvement in educational institutions through continuous training strategies

June 27, 2024


This work presents the results of innovative experiences and Good Practices of the pedagogical and institutional processes created through training interventions and situated support, in a systematic and comprehensive manner based on the reflective classroom practice of the teacher and the management team. institutional management, implemented from the School-Centered Continuing Training Strategy (EFCCE), in the educational district 02-03, Las Matas de Farfán, during the period 2021-2023, with a view to promoting the continuous improvement of school management and to raise the levels of initial and timely literacy of students in the First Cycle of Primary School. These efforts come to respond to the various national and international results that highlight the persistence of the low performance presented by the Dominican student body. The methodology is framed in the action research tool, focused on the practical approach to the different problems of the teacher's daily work, the reflection of their reality and the proposal of contextualized solutions. As a result of these training and accompaniment, it was possible to strengthen the curricular competencies of teachers, pedagogical leadership, pedagogical and institutional management through the presentation and dissemination of Good Practices, publications of digital reflective journals and the significant improvement of student learning. of the First Cycle of Primary, evidenced in the results obtained in the impact tests, in comparison with the results of the project's baseline.


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