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El centro educativo como espacio de evaluación e investigación

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Teacher mentorship and training and its connection with learning improvement in Reading Comprehension and Math: a school-centered experience in schools from Montecristi

June 21, 2024


This study explores the relationship between student academic performance in Reading Comprehension and Math and their teachers’ professional development processes (training and mentorship) during an educational intervention program. It was conducted as part of a program called School-Centered Teacher Continuing Education Strategy) (EFCCE, in Spanish) implemented Elementary schools at Educational District 13-01 Montecristi by the Center for Research in Education and Human Development (CIEDHumano, in Spanish) from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) as requested by the National Institute for Teacher Training (Inafocam, in Spanish). The study mainly answered these questions: ¿How is academic performance in Reading Comprehension and Math in students whose teachers participated during one or two years in the EFCCE program in terms of the amount of training hours and mentorship sessions they received? It was an exploratory study. Among the main findings, we can mention that, at the end of the program’s second year, academic performance is higher in students whose teachers received a greater amount of training hours and mentorship sessions and stayed in the program for its full two years teaching the same grade.


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