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Tecnología educativa

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Implementation of the technique of life projects through ICT in English students

June 4, 2024


Mastering several languages is a talent desired by all and especially by those who wish to have a high income in our country. This is why English has become a magic key for talented young people, allowing them to grow rapidly in a short time. For example, the case of call centers, among other companies, allow young people who speak several languages to have lucrative salaries.

The objective of this project is that the students of this university are motivated and cause the increase of these, in the face-to-face modality. Own motivational techniques were applied, through talks, digital dynamics, in the English section I to Psychology students of the first year, in the Santo Domingo Campus, of the Dominican Adventist University (UNAD), in the summer period 2022.

The applied methodology is Action-Research, with a qualitative, cross-sectional approach and under the Kemmis model. The population consisted of 14 students between 18 and 23 years old. The data was collected through reflective diaries, surveys, field notes, videos, among others, and reflected that the students showed: indiscipline, lack of interest in the subject and little participation.

COVID left a large number of disorders that directly affected students. Workshops were applied, with a view to correcting any trauma or weakness in the students and to develop their life plans, which include: setting goals, improving their study habits, teaching them a better use of technological resources, as well as strengthening their motivations. and purposes.


Kemmis, S. y Mctaggart, R. (1989). Cómo Planificar la investigación Acción. Editorial Laertes, S. A.

López D., Rodolfo A., (2018) Pensar nuestra educación: Reflexiones en torno a educación, convivencia, lectura y escritura en Colombia. ECOE Ediciones. Página 129.