The achievement of learning continues to concern the actors of the Dominican educational system, due to the limitations in the development of student skills. Learning strategies and school commitment are highly relevant variables to approach the understanding of student learning processes and academic achievement. This research, seeking to contribute to the understanding of how high school students learn and get involved in the educational process, has set the following objectives: to identify the levels of appropriation of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies and the level of academic commitment, as well as the relationship between these constructs. The design of this study was cross-sectional, with a correlational methodology and a quantitative approach. 628 high school students from the Educational District 11-01 of Puerto Plata participated, being 316 men and 312 women. For the collection of information, the Abbreviated Learning Strategies Scale (ACRA) and the Veiga school commitment questionnaire were used. The findings show a moderately low use of learning strategies and ineffective study habits, which limits the processes of knowledge construction, since it is not possible to make a timely processing of school information, at a cognitive level, nor are there effective strategies. organization of the study. Likewise, a limited school commitment to educational processes was identified, generating important risks regarding academic success and permanence in school. The relationship between learning strategies and school commitment was statistically significant, showing that those who present greater school commitment use learning strategies systematically.
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