Lack of motivation is one of the most influential factors in the learning of the most complex sciences, specifically mathematics, since a student who is not motivated will not pay attention in class. The most worrying problem of the course to intervene, both in the virtual and face-to-face modality is: the lack of interest or demotivation in the learning of mathematics, which is reflected in students not entering the virtual classes, attendance problem and the delivery of homework. The objective is to analyze the impact of learning based on games and interactive dynamics, for the teaching of mathematics, in the students of 4th B tourism, of the Polytechnic Prof. Pedro Antonio Frias. Period 2020-2022, and from there to deduce its effectiveness. The methodology applied is action research, with a qualitative approach, based on Whitehead's model. The population is made up of 28 students between 15 and 18 years old. The data obtained from interviews, reflective diaries, videos, among others, are the providers of all the information. The results of applying this strategy with different dynamics and games are 95% of compliance with the objective, since 60% of the class, which was unmotivated dropped to 4% of unmotivated students who require more attention and follow-up. It is concluded by affirming that this strategy of games and dynamization in the teaching of mathematics, correctly applied, has a guaranteed effectiveness and it is recommended to be used in an emphatic way in the most complex subjects.
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