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Tecnología educativa

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

ICT as a support for students with disabilities: university teacher training

May 22, 2024


Access to university is a right for all people, however, access to higher education institutions for people with disabilities is, nowadays, a challenge. In this sense, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the inclusive process are a key element to normalise the living conditions of students with disabilities. However, their integration in the academic context has favoured the emergence of new challenges among the educational community. Among all of them, the digital training of university teachers stands out. Thus, the aim of this research is to find out the level of ICT training in support of students with disabilities among university teaching staff. To this end, a Likert-type questionnaire was developed to find out the level of digital training of university lecturers. The results showed the lack of training of teaching staff in the application of technologies for students with disabilities in higher education. The conclusions highlight the need to adopt important measures in the training of teaching staff in the use of ICT in the teaching of students with disabilities.


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