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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Analysis of the digital competencies of the ICT coordinator who works in pre-university education

October 19, 2023


Numerous authors have referred to digital skills and the rapid evolution that they have had in recent times. The use of ICT and its integration into teaching is the subject of study by researchers around the world. In order for teachers to be empowered by them, they need a companion to support them in this transformative process at school and in their lives, an ICT coordinator. The research analyzes the digital skills possessed by the ICT coordinator who works in pre-university education in the Dominican Republic. With mixed design (quanti-quali). It addresses 21 regional ICT coordinators and 132 district ICT coordinators, 12 members who make up the regional and district management teams. 285 (12.32%) ICT facilitators who work in schools, 56 facilitators of the República Digital Educación (RDE) program. In the quantitative phase, a questionnaire designed by DigCompEdu was used. Preliminary results show a population of 65% males and 35% females, ages 25-50, average 10 years of experience in the role. Part of the work offices operate in educational centers, others in rented premises and 22% in the institution's own spaces. Some conclusions: Online training opportunities have not been taken advantage of by ICT coordinators. 35% of ICT coordinators do not use digital technologies to provide effective feedback.


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