The promotion of written comprehension and production skills has become one of the priority issues in the area of Spanish language in pre-university education today, due to the fact that in recent years the learning levels of students in communicative competence In the Dominican Republic they have presented a low average score established according to the results of national and international research (PISA and ERCE). In this sense, the study was developed with the purpose of evaluating the level of comprehension and written production of first-year secondary school students from two public schools, urban and rural, in San Juan de la Maguana.
The research has a descriptive methodology, supported by a cross-sectional field design. The sample corresponds to two public schools (urban and rural), where written comprehension and production tests were applied to a group of students (61) in the first grade of secondary level. The results show that in both educational centers the low level of mastery in their writing and reading comprehension is notable, mainly, of the elements that are part of the conventions of the language. It is concluded that first grade secondary school students in both educational centers require support in the acquisition and application of knowledge related to written comprehension and production, because they present a series of weaknesses for the grade in which they are inserted.
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