This action research carried out with 6 French-speaking students taking the subject of Spanish 091 at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) in the 2-2022-2013 semester, seeks to determine the impact of the application of the proposed reading strategies by Isabel Solé, based on the comparative analysis between the strategies used by the students in the applied diagnostic evaluation and those they used after executing the action plan that addressed the teaching of said strategies. For this purpose, 3 reading guides were prepared during the action research with a view to periodically evaluating and verifying the level of significance of each strategy. In the analysis of the results, it will be seen that literal comprehension will be the level that students have most strengthened, however, the inferential and critical level will depend on factors such as their prior knowledge, mastery of vocabulary, use of strategies and their reading level. At the end of this intervention, it was evident that the strategies promoted by the author do allow the strengthening of skills to form an autonomous and strategic reader.
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