In this research, the topic of the Teacher versus the Development of Socio-affective Competencies of Secondary Level Students is raised. It is based on Erikson's theory of psychosocial development; the objective is to generate a theoretical approach about the teacher regarding the development of socio-affective competencies of secondary school students. The approach was qualitative, the paradigm is interpretive with the Grounded Theory Method. The setting was the Education Regional 06-05, La Vega, Dominican Republic. I selected three centers and applied the instruments to ten teachers. As techniques and instruments, I used a semi-structured interview and observation. I carried out the analysis and interpretation of the data through the processes of segmentation, coding and categorization, according to the method used. The findings indicate that the training that teachers receive for the development of socio-affective competencies responds to a transmissive model, which causes little recognition of this issue for comprehensive education; They have imprecise conceptions on the subject and therefore, the activities they carry out to contribute to the socio-affective development of their students are insufficient due to their experience, but not to their initial and ongoing training. This theory is based on an emerging system of categories based on: Teacher training experiences on socio-affective development; teacher conceptions of socio-affective development in secondary school; teacher competencies for the socio-affective development of the student. The concepts that make up the theoretical approach are: Transmissive model of teaching, learning in practice, difficulty in applying what has been learned, imprecise conceptions about socio-affective development, emotional awareness, empathy and good communicator.
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