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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Methodological approach for the development of early childhood psychomotricity in the Initial

November 16, 2023


The objective of the study was to design a methodological approach for the development of early childhood psychomotor skills in the Early Childhood Education Degree Program at the Institute Superior de Formation Docente Salomé Ureña, Luis Napoleón Núñez Molina Campus. The research approach was mixed. The type of research was documentary, field and descriptive. The population consisted of 25 students of the subscribed program and 11 teachers of the Initial Level of host centers of teaching practices. It was observed that 55.6% of the teachers use the strategy of play activities without instructions in their teaching. In the case of the trainees, 27.8% are focused on games, 16.7% on teamwork and another 16.7% on projects. As conclusions, appropriate methodological strategies were implemented to address children's development. The actions contributed to the promotion of the students' inherent abilities.


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