There are many studies related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that show that educational video games are an effective resource in the teaching-learning process, developing cognitive skills in students, keeping them highly motivated, and improving their academic performance. In particular, in the socialization of the Research Methodology subject, which offers students the essential elements to get started in educational research, it is important to implement strategies in the classroom that stimulate the enthusiasm and interest of participants. This is a study with a quantitative design and descriptive approach, aimed at knowing the opinions of students in the Research Methodology regarding the implementation of a video game in a higher education institution in the Dominican Republic. The sample consisted of 24 students. The results show that video games are potentially beneficial, as they awaken acceptance and interest in students, since most participants believe that they learn better with video games, and they also find them fun and appropriate when used as a resource. On the other hand, the commitment assumed by them is highlighted, who believe that they would include video games in their future pedagogical activities.
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