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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Competencies acquired in the National Induction Program 2023: Lights and Shadows - A Glimpse of the Novice Teacher

October 1, 2023


In the Dominican Republic, the National Teacher Induction Plan (PNI) is currently being developed. Its aim is to provide assistance, guidance, and support to new teachers for their effective integration into classrooms and to have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. The program strengthens professional competencies to address challenges in the school context, curriculum management, classroom management, lesson planning, and assessment, in addition to fostering connections with the educational community. The country's Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have responsibilities in this process. The general objective of this study is to analyze the competencies acquired by teachers during the implementation of the PNI. The methodological approach is based on the quantitative paradigm, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional research design. The study population includes all teachers who underwent training in 2023. The instrument addressed dimensions such as competencies developed in each module, strengths, weaknesses, and satisfaction levels. The results indicate that the most developed competency during the PNI implementation is the ability to perform basic tasks related to familiarizing with the virtual learning environment, demonstrating mastery of these actions. The level of satisfaction with the PNI objectives is entirely satisfied. The elements considered strengths or positive aspects include timely teaching techniques and strategies and appropriate support from module facilitators. As for weaknesses or negative elements, these include scheduling, the time allocated for activities, and the flexibility of program administrators.


Marcelo, C. (2009). Los comienzos en la docencia: un profesorado con buenos principios. Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación de profesorado, 13(1), 1–25.