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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Competence-based curriculum implementation in higher education. A tool for evaluation

September 30, 2023


The evaluation of the study plans, in the implementation phase, is linked to the process evaluation. It refers to the implementation of the program by teachers and involves classroom observation and accompaniment processes. This process evaluation can be complemented by self-report by teaching teams about the quality of teacher-student interactions, level of achievement, strategies, activities, resources, and evaluation elements. A tool designed for this purpose, its construction and validation process, is presented. Each team of teachers of a subject carries out a reflection exercise on their experience at the end of a school period and agree on the improvements that will be made effective in the next period. The tool to evaluate the implementation has the purpose of facilitating the monitoring of the study plans designed by competencies, through the evaluation of the execution of their programs, facilitating the reflective processes of the teachers, the detection of weaknesses and strengths, as well as the presentation of improvement proposals. Academic authorities have pointed out the usefulness of the tool that reports on the implementation of the programs in all its elements and turns out to be key to supporting decision-making based on data evidence.


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