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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Evaluation of programs designed under the competency approach. Measurement validation

September 30, 2023


An evaluative study is presented about the design of the subject programs in the study plans. Of the three phases of evaluating plans and programs, the work is located in the first. Thus, the purpose was to present a program design evaluation framework valid for the context of higher education. An instrument of 38 items was developed, with a response scale of 4 points (or 3) and five dimensions, taking the model of Pérez Juste (2000, 2017): adaptation to the context, content, technical quality, evaluability and feasibility. Expert judgment involved assessing the appropriateness, relevance, clarity of wording, sufficiency, and coherence in each item. A content validity analysis was carried out using Lawshe's (1975) model. Content validity answers the question of whether the elements that make up a test measure the construct being evaluated. With the content validity index achieved and some improvement modifications in five items, the final version of the instrument was obtained for the evaluation of the design. The usefulness of this type of evaluation has effects on the quality of the programs, because it promotes reflection, the identification of difficulties and strengths, as well as the compilation of proposals for improvement. It is a type of evaluation for the improvement of institutional quality, complementary to the evaluation of implementation and the evaluation of results.


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