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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Investigative competencies mediated by technologies in graduate students

September 30, 2023


The objective of the study was to determine the investigative competences through the use of infotechnology tools in the process of managing scientific information of students who are studying for master's degrees. A quantitative approach was used, an exploratory-descriptive investigation, with a non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 109 teachers. The main results highlight that 71.55% have a favorable opinion on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and infotechnological skills. 87.1 6% of the subjects report that they use search engines and metasearch engines to manage scientific information. It is concluded that the study carried out allowed to show the relevance of the investigative competences mediated by the technologies in the students, a good level of knowledge and satisfaction in the use of infotechnologies tools is evidenced as a support to develop research in the students who are studying masters.


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