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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Relevant Perspectives on Teacher Training in Computational Thinking: Case Study PUCMM, Colegio Intelecto

September 30, 2023


Teachers require training processes that allow them to respond in a timely manner to the educational reality; the main goal is to enable them to respond to the changes today from a professional and competent perspective. Numerous researchers propose that computational thinking should be included as a new competence in educational training (Barr & Stephenson, 2011; Wing, 2006). The project was planned in two phases, with the objective of evaluating the initial and ongoing training of a group of teachers of the pre-university education system of the Dominican Republic in relation to Computational Thinking, the theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers of the primary and secondary cycles in relation to computational thinking was determined, the same group was considered for the implementation of a course in computational thinking. The second phase refers to changes in theoretical and practical knowledge once the course has been completed. The study is conceived from a field modality, at a descriptive level, under a mixed approach, where qualitative and quantitative dimensions and indicators were considered. The proposal aims at the revision of the initial and permanent teacher training to optimize the quality of education, where innovative elements are included, having an importance in the pedagogical field, since it seeks to address the situations presented in school spaces by implementing updated strategies in public and private institutions in the Dominican Republic in the described area.


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