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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

Service for the creation and administration of teaching sequences

September 29, 2023


Didactic sequences play a fundamental role in the management and organization of teaching and learning programs in the educational field. However, their creation and development entail a considerable investment of time and effort from teachers, adding a significant burden to their work.

To address this opportunity for improvement, the implementation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models is proposed to automate a substantial portion of the processes required for the creation of didactic sequences.

Through the use of NLP models, it is possible to identify the necessary curriculum components for the desired teaching plan, dramatically reducing the time and energy investments required to create high-quality didactic sequences. Additionally, these models can generate teaching and learning activity sequences based on these previously extracted curriculum components, further streamlining the process.

Therefore, the adoption of NLP models in the creation of didactic sequences represents a significant opportunity for improvement in educational management. By reducing the workload of teachers and simplifying the production of lesson plans, it promotes more effective, student-centered teaching, benefiting both educators and students. This innovation has the potential to contribute to the much-needed transformation of education, making it more accessible and effective.


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