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Conference paper

Vol. 14 (2023): XIV Congreso Internacional Ideice

The new teacher at the higher level. An innovative program for university teacher training

September 22, 2023


Within the framework of university education, as at other levels, there are various factors that may be inherent or influence the teaching methodologies implemented by teachers, taking place specifically at the beginning of their professional practice.

The insertion process of the new teacher can be complex, not only due to the particularities of everyone, understood as a multidimensional subject, but also due to the labor, methodological, academic, pedagogical, intellectual and social implications of assuming a teaching position. university student and his investiture.

This reality, which has been part of the “life of the university teacher” has represented not only a wide desertion of work, but given the responsibility that the position entails, in terms of training future professionals, it means an important impact on the development appropriate or not of higher-level students. This theory led to an investigation (Nuñez-Méndez, 2022), where two instruments were applied to a sample of 115 new teachers from four universities in the Dominican Republic and this provided information that affirmed the need for a training plan. innovative teacher.

This is why a training program has been designed for new university teachers, which has been conceived in stages, based on the need that new teachers must be trained in accordance with their stage of professional development.


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