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Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

The professional practices of initial education: experiences of the students during the COVID-19 pandemic

September 19, 2023


The professional practices (PP) in the National Open University (UNA) of Venezuela, allow the teacher in training to consolidate the pedagogical and didactic competences, for the comprehensive care of the child from zero to seven years old in conventional and unconventional environments; and to be able to achieve the general and specific profile of the future initial education professional. The development of the PP was drastically disrupted, by the social distancing generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the presence and the development of theoretical and practical strategies in educational contexts for learning by doing of the students. The objective is to rescue the experiences, the meanings of the students when taking the PP; by assuming the qualitative paradigm and the phenomenological method, to make sense of reality from their own perspectives at the end of the training experience in times of pandemic. Informants were selected from four local centers (UNA) with common features that share elements of the remote study, approached through an in-depth interview. The inductive analysis of the information offered results related to: teaching work, personal learning, management and communication, facilitating and hindering elements of PP and practical-theory-practice linkage. Finally, it is necessary to provide initial training students with appropriate conditions for professional practice; in addition, the comprehensive evaluation of the training and learning process for life. It is urgent to reconfigure the way in which to approach future professional practices in the context of pandemic or other adverse scenarios.


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