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Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Involvement of parents in the teaching and learning processes of their children in school

September 19, 2023


The general objective of this research is to analyze the results of parental participation in the teaching-learning processes of the students of the second cycle of the primary level from San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic, in the school period 2019-2020. For this research the study to be used is descriptive, for a population of 54 direct beneficiaries among which are students, fathers, mothers, director, guidance counselor and teaching staff. Within the methodology selected for this research are the inductive method and the analytical method.

The participation of families in the teaching and learning processes for the academic performance of students is of utmost importance, since they generate a positive impact on all actions in all school actions that are developed. The participation of families generates a climate of positive results that have a direct impact on their performance and behavior. The most feasible strategy for good student performance is the effective involvement of parents who feel a sense of belonging to the school.


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