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Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Completion of studies at the Municipal University Center of Jiguaní in times of Covid 19

September 19, 2023


The COVID-19 pandemic caused the cessation of the presence of the meetings at the Municipal University Center of Jiguaní, where the 4th year students were in preparation for the completion of studies. This research is of great importance since it provides new ways of working to fulfill the culmination of study of the Bachelor of Primary Education career at the Municipal University Center of Jiguaní, after the appearance of COVID-19, providing a solution to the following problem: How to adapt the process of completing the study of the Bachelor of Primary Education to the situation of physical isolation due to COVID-19? Its objective is "To develop a strategy to adapt the process of completing the study of the Bachelor of Primary Education to the situation of physical isolation due to COVID-19". The qualitative interpretive paradigm was used to carry out this study. With the study carried out, it was possible to verify that the communication media and the organization within the Popular Councils constitute important aspects for developing work in conditions of physical isolation.


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