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Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Leadership and Educational Quality: Study of four secondary schools in Yamasá

September 19, 2023


This doctoral research project aims to analyze the relationship between leadership and educational quality in the high schools of the Yamasá district, municipality of the Monte Plata province, in the Dominican Republic. According to Goleman and Warren, people who assume leadership must have the ability to take initiative, make decisions, turn decisions into reality and motivate other people to work as a team and be able to achieve common objectives proposed by the group. In the educational field, these decisions have to be linked to the academic growth of students and teachers, as well as the development of teaching and learning. The results of the national tests 2017, 2018 and 2019, in addition to the data of the PIZA tests present data that should be studied in depth. To this is added the evidence arising from the exchanges, based on the researcher's personal experience, with teachers, administrative staff and other members of the educational community, it is reported that leadership is concentrated in managers who do not promote teamwork and create few opportunities. for interpersonal relationships The methodological approach to be used is the mixed, qualitative and quantitative, although the quantitative method with a higher hierarchy and the qualitative one with a lower hierarchy. It is expected to establish a relationship between leadership and educational quality, in addition to finding the type of leadership existing in the centers under study, and how these can favor school performance in these centers. It is considered that it will be of great importance, since I believe that a great contribution will be made to Dominican education and especially to the management teams of the educational centers for a better functioning.


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