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Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Primary Level Students (second cycle) and their Learning through Distance and Virtual Education, in Times of Pandemic: meanings produced by teachers, students and their families in Santiago, Dominican Republic

September 19, 2023


Based on the decision of the Ministry of Education (Minerd), of the Dominican Republic, to assume virtual classes at all educational levels, due to the declaration of a state of emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we set out to understand the meanings attributed by teachers, students of Primary Level (second cycle) and their parents or representatives on the learning achieved during the school year 2020-2021. The aim was to systematize information that would serve as input to make recommendations that could contribute to the improvement of the educational quality of the schools that participated in the study. The information collected consisted of recordings of individual and group interviews, as a means to have access to the testimonies of the protagonists of the educational process, in terms of how the process of achieving the competencies established in the curriculum has been taking place, comparing the face-to-face educational modality with the virtual modality. The study was carried out in three (3) schools located in the southern zone of Santiago de Los Caballeros, area of action and influence of the Open University for Adults (UAPA), specifically in the Obrero, Hato Mayor and Barrio Lindo neighborhoods. The research aims to offer a diagnosis from the experiences of the participants, from the interpretations of their discourses (discursive practices), as well as to verify the mastery of the competencies acquired by the students, based on the systematization of these experiences, which could mean the generation of proposals to improve the teaching-learning processes mediated by technology, both in the selected schools and in other schools in the region and the country. One of the most relevant meanings, which emerged from the teachers' testimony, refers to the low percentage of their students who achieved the required competencies in the courses during the virtual period.


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