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Teaching strategies and didactics

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Evaluation of the level of digital competences in future teachers in the final phase of their initial training in a higher education institution in the Dominican Republic

September 18, 2023


Knowing the level of digital competences in students provides valuable and updated information that contributes to rethinking and updating current educational policies for the inclusion of ICT in the different degrees of education in Dominican universities. This paper is based on a doctoral thesis project, whose main objective is to evaluate the level of knowledge, skills and attitudes that future teachers possess in the different dimensions of digital competences proposed by the Common Framework of References for the Development of Competences Digital (DigComp). (Currently in process). It is quantitative in nature, with a non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional design. A practical knowledge test was applied to 400 final year university students and the results are still being analyzed. With the completion of this study, it will be possible to identify the weaknesses and strengths in terms of mastering these competences in future teachers to later adapt the current training plans to teacher training with strategies that allow the acquisition and achievement of those competences where the students showed greater weaknesses.


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