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Teaching strategies and didactics

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Reflective strategies for teaching the Martial Arts subject, during the 2021 summer course, RLNNM, Santiago, Dominican Republic

September 18, 2023


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of reflective strategies for teaching the subject Martial Arts. For the research process, a mixed methodology was developed, both qualitative and quantitative, and of a quasi-experimental cut, since the four groups of Martial Arts were assumed as experimental groups and other sports subjects that they received in the same period as groups. control, making a survey of input and output data to assess the relevance of the application of reflective teaching in the subject intervened. In order to carry out these interventions, the proposals made by Dewey, as an educational philosopher of the early twentieth century, who was one of the first educational theorists who dealt with the issue of teachers as reflective professionals with the ability to perform functions in education, were taken into account. program development and educational reform (Cordoba Jimenez, 2016), (Kenneth and Liston, 1987), talks about Dewey's work, which was the foundation for Schön (1983, 1987) and his perspective of reflective practice. The population under study was 81 students, 39 were selected for a convenience sample of 48%. In the analysis of the results, it was possible to verify the level of acceptance of the strategy as a positive component to the teaching and learning processes of sport in order to propose a strategy that contributes to the training of future teachers, and that contributes to the development of teaching competencies that allow relevant and quality learning. As a conclusion, the students weigh the results of the effectiveness of the strategies in their application and comparison, allowing evidence of the high level of assessment of these, as well as the collaborative work developed by students and the professional skills acquired. during the course.


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