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Curriculum and learning achievements

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Artistic Education Workbooks: An experience of collective construction

September 8, 2023


Investigative experience, exploratory and descriptive, which is carried out within the actions developed by the area of artistic education in response to the request for the preparation of booklets to support learning from the general direction of the curriculum. Aims to support the learning process of students of the second cycle of primary level and of first and second cycle of secondary level with proposals of strategies and activities that allow them to work in a diverse way the contents of the curricular networks of artistic education towards the development of the fundamental and specific competences of the Dominican curriculum. The area team agrees to make the booklets, through a collaborative, virtual and inclusive work process of active teaching and technical staff from all over the country, who will be motivated and agree to work voluntarily. As a result, 9 booklets of 60 pages were prepared, with activities from all disciplinary fields, taking into account the contents of the current curriculum design.


Vaillant, D. (2016). Trabajo colaborativo y nuevos escenarios para el desarrollo profesional docente. Revista Docencia XX (60), 5-13.