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Social sciences and citizenship: reality and perspective

Vol. 12 (2021): XII Ideice International Congress

Learning the History of Cuba through Marti's texts

July 6, 2023


The teaching of History is of transcendental importance; thus, it is necessary to find avenues that allow for improved learning. The works of the heroes and martyrs of our nation provide a rich resource to be utilized in this regard. Specifically in Cuba, the texts of Martí offer potentialities to deepen the understanding of the subject. For this reason, the following research problem is posed: How can we enhance the teaching and learning of Cuban History in junior high school? The object of research being the teaching and learning process of Cuban History in junior high school. The aim is to: develop a system of independent activities to enhance the teaching and learning process of Cuban History in the ninth grade using Martí's work. Various empirical research methods were employed, such as observation, survey, interview, and entry and exit tests, which allowed us to understand the current and final state of learning in this subject at the ESBEC José Martí Pérez in the Jiguaní municipality. Through theoretical methods such as historical logic, analysis, synthesis, and the structural-functional systemic approach, the proposal was grounded and introduced, and the pre-experiment was modeled. Knowledge of the subject of Cuban History is essential in the ideological political formation of new generations. It is not possible to speak of the solidity of the knowledge of this subject if the students do not master the written evaluations and references that José Martí made of an event or personality of the nation's history.


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