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Evaluation and its impact on the education system

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Measuring Early Childhood Development in Dominican Republic: Creation of the Dominican System for Measuring Childhood Development (SIMEDID, for its acronym in Spanish)

June 26, 2024


The Dominican System for Measuring Childhood Development (SIMEDID) is a technological platform that monitors the development of children from 0 to 5 years of age through direct observation of a list of child development indicators. To achieve the creation of this system, different processes have been exhausted, from the survey of existing instruments used in the region, selection of materials, training of personnel, recording of instructions and pilot surveys.

This document presents the main characteristics and structure of this technological platform. Also will be presented the experience of INAIPI during pilot studies with the aim of obtaining a standardized and robust monitoring system.


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