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Evaluation and its impact on the education system

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Didactic strategies in competency-based education

June 26, 2024


The present qualitative research focuses on a documentary analysis, which aims to generate a systematization that allows the teacher to select the didactic strategies under the most recurrent competencies approach, in that sense, a small sample of three articles proposed by different authors was taken.

These authors carry out a characterization of each didactic strategy, from the analysis of the three documents, it was possible to arrive at two conclusions, the first is that there is a wide variety of strategies, and few coincidences in them between the selected authors, the second conclusion, refers to the strategies that are repeated in the list of articles, they are; essay; Research on specific topics and problems; Debate or Discussion, Project-Based Learning or Project Method.


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