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Evaluation and its impact on the education system

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Evidence-based public policies in early childhood development: The case of the Dominican System for Measuring Childhood Development (SIMEDID)

June 26, 2024


The purpose of this conference is to present the Dominican System for Measuring Childhood Development (SIMEDID) as a possible source of data generation for decision-making and the creation of public policies in early childhood. SIMEDID is an electronic platform that has a child development screening created from international standards for measurement of childhood development, adapted and validated to the Dominican sociocultural context. Its universal application, as part of the daily activity of community animators and educational agents within the National Institute for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care, will allow a constant flow of highly accurate data that can be used as input for impact evaluations of future initiatives, projects, or intervention and research programs. SIMEDID mitigates the time, resource, and ethical constraints commonly associated with impact evaluations required for evidence-based policies. SIMEDID not only responds to the local need for accountability but also contributes to fulfilling a relevant objective of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Likewise, this effort can be easily adapted and replicated in other countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region.


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