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Evaluation and its impact on the education system

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Comprehensive evaluation of the student population: Pilot Project with pre-primary and first grade students of Region 18

June 25, 2024


Comprehensive evaluation of the student population constitutes a preventive strategy, which allows for a global overview of the sociocultural, physical, educational and evolutionary development needs of the student population. This pilot experience has sought a validation of the evaluation procedure at the Initial Level and in the first grade of the Primary Level. The strategy is coordinated by the Direction of Orientation and Psychology of the MINERD, in coordination with the educational levels and the INABIE. 115 educational centers of Regional 18 of Bahoruco have participated, 2348 students of the Initial Level, 1669 first grade students of the Primary Level and 2228 fathers / mothers. Visual, ophthalmological, oral health, evolutionary development, socio-family climate and initial reading skills evaluations were performed. The research team is in the data analysis phase.


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