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Impacto de las lenguas extranjeras desde la perspectiva de la escuela

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Dominican Sign Language: a language in the shadow of the national curriculum

June 21, 2024


This descriptive study addresses the pernicious effects caused by the superficial understanding of the linguistic situation of deaf people and their families; the dislocation of the Dominican Sign Language (LSD) in the curricular design to the detriment of the learning of Spanish and any other oral language in its written form.

Due to the current curricular adaptation process, it is appropriate to analyze the need to incorporate the teaching of LSD as a subject in the 2nd cycle of the Secondary Level and as an optional subject in the different higher education careers, as a way of bridge the existing disparity between the two languages used in the national education system to make learning viable; reduce the socio-emotional, linguistic and cognitive impact caused by linguistic deprivation on the deaf subject, as well as generate real and effective inclusive attitudes and practices.

Through an online survey we obtained the level of information, handling of LSD, its assessment and willingness to learn it by parents of deaf children in initial and elementary school, as well as university students and high school students. with positive results for curricular decision-making and the creation of other mechanisms for its generalized teaching and negative results in terms of the level of knowledge of LSD.

The study concludes with recommendations for the incorporation of LSD in the pre-university education curriculum and in higher education careers as an optional subject, as well as the creation of spaces for its generalized teaching to the population.


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