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La educación secundaria hoy: temáticas relevantes y desafíos

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Secondary Education in the Dominican Republic, a holistic look at the pedagogical process, facing future trends

June 13, 2024


In the socio-educational context that the Dominican Republic lives, and the framework of the efforts made in recent years by the MINERD, in the search for pedagogical alternatives within educational policies, this research is inserted, which has as its general objective: to know the reality of secondary education in the Dominican Republic, compared to the efficiency and effectiveness of pedagogical processes.

The information will be received through surveys, interviews, and review of documents, with this information we proceed to obtain knowledge of the factors of this investigation, which implemented a program of consultations with directors of the 18 regional and 122 district directors existing in the Minerd, in addition to the coordinators of the secondary level in the regional ones.


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