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Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la matemática: realidad y perspectiva

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Level of congruence between the teacher's conceptions about the teaching-learning process of mathematics and the pedagogical practices at the Secondary Level, regional directorate No. 14 of Nagua

June 12, 2024


This is a documentary research to build the state of the research question on the level of congruence between the conceptions of teachers about the teaching-learning process of mathematics and pedagogical practices, proposed to be developed within the framework of the doctoral program in education to obtain a doctorate degree. The research is carried out taking into account the teachers of the second cycle of the secondary level in the regional education No. 14 of Nagua.

This research would impact the teaching of mathematics in the Secondary Level Educational Centers, in the sense that its conclusions can be a reference in the future reforms of the Dominican education in order to keep it on a par with the new trends, nuanced by the approaches by competencies and constructivists, in which the teaching conception is distorted with behavioral beliefs (most teachers were taught under this approach), where the teacher is no longer the absolute owner of knowledge, so he must promote autonomous learning in students and cooperative to assume a responsible citizenship, humanized and respectful of nature.

In this sense, the research that is conducted under the quantitative approach raises the need to inquire about the type of representations that the teacher has of the teaching-learning process and the predominant pedagogical practice in mathematics teachers, description of the teaching-learning processes, identification of the discrepancies between the teacher's conceptions about the teaching-learning process of mathematics and the pedagogical practices, as well as to identify the balance point between the teacher's conceptions about the teaching-learning process of mathematics and the pedagogical practices.


Pozo, J. I., Shever, N., Pérez, M. del P., Mateos, M., Martín, E., & De La Cruz, M. (2006). Nuevas Formas de Pensar la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje: Las concepciones de profesores y alumnos.