In the area of mathematics, the students of the Pedro Francisco Bonó polytechnic presented the following problems: lack of interest in the subject, lack of concentration in the classes, they did not turn in their assignments and did not connect to the classes. The objective of this research is to put into practice the strategy of interactive didactic games in the 5th logistics course of the Pedro Francisco Bonó polytechnic. The methodology that we will be using is action-research, which seeks to apply intervention cycles to improve practice in the classroom context through the Kemmis model. With a population of 44 students aged between 15 and 18 years. The data was collected through reflective diaries, field notes, videos, photos, among other data collection tools, through these tools it was determined that the students showed: indiscipline, lack of interest in the subject, irresponsibility with their tasks. The didactic games have significantly improved the learning of mathematics in the 5th logistics course at the Pedro Francisco Bonó polytechnic school. In the first cycle of intervention, the objectives of our action research were achieved by 80%, by applying a In the second cycle, the objectives were achieved by 96%, achieving that through the didactic games the students were more motivated in the class, the participation was more fluid, and the responsibility with the assignments improved by 90%. We conclude that implementing didactic games as a strategy was very effective in solving the problems encountered.
Aristizábal, J. H., Colorado, H., & Gutiérrez, H. (2016). El juego como una estrategia para desarrollar el pensamiento numérico en los cuatros operaciones básicas. Sophia, 12(1), 117-125. https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/4137/413744648009.pdf