This research report addresses one of the problems that arises in the teaching process of the mathematics subject and aims to present a technique for obtaining models generated from problematic situations within the main theories that make up the mathematics subject. Today there are many investigations focused on the search for strategies that contribute to improving the teaching-learning process of Mathematics. The methods considered in the study were analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, as well as the observation of different classes, analysis of exams and class notes of the professors who teach the subject of basic mathematics at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. The main results are the modeling-problematization as a technique to improve the teaching process by teachers who teach the subject of basic mathematics, as well as the recognition of the implementation of a coherent and articulated technique to respond to the needs of student’s future professionals. Based on their training needs that achieve the development of skills and competencies in an effective learning environment. I hope that this conference can motivate students and teachers of mathematics to reflect and rethink their teaching strategies to improve their teaching-learning process.
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