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Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la matemática: realidad y perspectiva

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

The use of TIC in the teaching-learning process of mathematics in the students of 1st C, of the Liceo María Canela Tiburcio, Monseñor Nouel, Period 2021-2022

June 5, 2024


Mathematics has always presented a challenge for Dominican teachers and students, due to fear of the content and the aftermath of the pandemic. The objective of this report is to show the results of the use of TICS in the teaching-learning process of mathematics in the students of 1st C, of the Maria Canela Tiburcio High School, Monseñor Nouel, Period 2021-2022. The applied methodology is Research-Action, with a qualitative, cross-sectional approach, in order to explore and develop knowledge in a detailed and coherent manner. The assumed model is Kemmis. So, the population is made up of 32 students between the ages of 12 and 17. The data collected was through: observation, reflective diaries, anecdotal records, field notes, questionnaires, interviews, videos, etc. In which, the students showed the main problems such as: lack of interest, lack of motivation, poor performance, little participation, laziness, lack of concentration, attendance at work, family responsibilities, focus on nightlife and indiscipline. The results indicate that applying the use of TICS in the teaching-learning process of mathematics, 93% was achieved. Its impact was positive for the Center, given that the fluidity of the contents increased drastically by 90%, participation by 95%. Which, is refuted in the qualifications of the last period June 2022, moderated from 82-96. We conclude that the use of TICS in the teaching-learning process of mathematics is favorable to manage new knowledge and generate meaningful learning.


Barreto, C., & Iriarte, F. (2017). Las TIC en educación superior: Experiencias de innovación. Colombia: Universidad del Norte.