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Curriculum and learning achievements

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Well – be – well, my engine to be able to learn

June 4, 2024


This research develops a reflection on how emotions can be considered as a fundamental basis in the learning process of kindergarten children of the Instituto Pedagógico Nacional, the IED Julio Garavito Armero and pre-garden of the school Compartir Suba IED, in order to contribute to the process of educating emotions, and support the development in the following years of an adequate management of these and the resolution of problems within and outside the school context.

This is evident, since in the educational field it is common to hear that there are quarrels, crying, injuries, screams and academic losses due to the "I do not know what to do", teachers have been faced with unusual roles in their work, given that there is little understanding about the approach that indicates that "we are not the same", it is necessary to take a look at the theory of emotions in order to understand and manage the ideas that day by day sneak into the minds. Thus, according to Fundadeps quoting Fernández - Abascal and Palmero an emotion is

"A process that is activated when the organism persuades some danger, threat or imbalance in order to implement the resources at its disposal to control the situation" (Fernández-Abascal and Palmero, 1999). Therefore, emotions are mechanisms that help us react quickly to unexpected events that work automatically, they are impulses to act. Each emotion prepares the organism for a different kind of response; for example, fear causes an increase in the heartbeat that causes more blood to reach the muscles favoring the flight response" (

In this sense, it is important to prioritize from this perspective and within the framework of early childhood education, the development of emotional intelligence, since the child will be able to know and explore the world autonomously and independently, through a secure base that is built from the link with his family and with those around them. Thus, a gradual and continuous process must be possible in which "It is not enough just for the children to live their emotions; it is necessary that they be able to reflect on them, clearly identify the causes that provoke them, be aware of the consequences of their emotional reactions", (Bello-Dávila et al. (2010).

Considering the above, the general objective of the proposal is to design pedagogical strategies that helps with the recognition and management of emotions in pre-kindergarteners and early childhood children of the Compartir Suba IED school, the garden of the National Pedagogical Institute and the Julio Garavito Armero school.


Bello-Dávila, Z., Rionda-Sánchez, H. D., & Rodríguez-Pérez, M. E. (2010). La inteligencia emocional y su educación. Varona, (51), 36-43.

Mora, F. (2017). Neuroeducación: Solo se puede aprender aquello que se ama. Alianza Editorial S.A.

Piñeiro, B. (2019). Educar las emociones en la primera infancia. Editorial Magisterio. Bogotá, Colombia.