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La educación secundaria hoy: temáticas relevantes y desafíos

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Pedagogical mentoring in the Dominican Republic from the teaching coordinators´ perspective

May 23, 2024


This paper aims to analyze the pedagogical mentoring practice conducted in the Dominican Republic from the teaching coordinators’ perspective. To this end, a quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study with 165 Dominican teaching coordinators was conducted. It was found that the mentor pedagogical coordinators have a constructivist conception of mentoring. However, some contradictions were observed in their perceptions indicating that certain knowledge about mentoring, concerning the most appropriate teaching practices for its application, its planning and the purpose intended by this modality of teacher training are still in construction, have neither been fully understood nor assimilated. To improve mentoring practice and achieve its goals, it is necessary to intervene on the pedagogical beliefs of the teaching mentors to change them. Therefore, they need to continue developing their conceptual and pedagogical training to guarantee that their mentoring practice has a significant impact on the teaching process of the teachers and on the learning and academic performance of the students.


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