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La educación secundaria hoy: temáticas relevantes y desafíos

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

School desertion and institutional efficiency in educational centers at the secondary level in the Dominican Republic

May 23, 2024


Education is the basis for the development of peoples and school dropout in the Dominican Republic is one of the great challenges presented by the educational system. For this reason, this study seeks to establish whether there is a relationship between school dropout and institutional efficiency in secondary schools in the Educational District 12-01 of Higüey, La Altagracia Province. The methodological approach of this thesis corresponds to a mixed investigation, with a non-experimental design, of an exploratory nature, with a descriptive and correlational scope. The study sample is composed of a qualitative phase of twenty-seven members of the management team of three educational centers selected by the critical deliberate demonstrator and the quantitative phase made up of teachers and students who have dropped out during the 2021-22 school year selected by non-engraving. probabilistic. The instruments to be used are: the questionnaire applied to professors and dropout students through the Google Forms tool and the interview addressed to the management team. For the analysis of results, according to the Pearson connection coefficient = -0.171, it can be said that the variables X and Y do not show connections. Since the value of r is negative, it indicates a negative relationship between the variables (growth in one variable is associated with a decline in the other). In the opinion of the participants, the most influential factors in desertion are personal, family and economic. It is proposed as a proposal to design public policies with two views, preventive with retention programs and evoked to permanence and the other that responds to the need to integrate the dropout into the classroom.


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