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Curriculum and learning achievements

Vol. 13 (2022): XIII Congreso Internacional Ideice

Learning Outcomes in Basic Health Sciences of the Medicine Program, Universidad del Sinu Monteria Colombia 2022

May 23, 2024


The Medicine program of the Universidad del Sinú "Elías Bechara Zainum", Montería campus, has high quality accreditation, face-to-face, daytime, lasting 12 semesters with the objective of training doctors who have conceptual tools on the human organism, having great importance fundamental to clinical history and physical examination, making restrictive use of diagnostic tests, with the ability to apply evidence-based medicine to solve the main problems of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics-Gynecology and Surgery. It has a clear definition of student-centered learning outcomes, argumentative and demonstrative capacity. For this reason, activities to be developed in the continuous improvement plan are based on the Medicine program, making known the learning results and the level of performance that our students are reaching. With a competency evaluation process, and timely verification of continuous evaluation of learning results, showing the plan for continuous improvement of its processes.

Objectives Perform the analysis of the level of achievement of the learning outcome of the program, according to the level of performance obtained, and establish the improvement plan.

Results: With two tools, SABER PRO type questions, in Physiology and Propaedeutics subjects, through the Microsoft Forms platform. The propaedeutic instrument was applied to 95 students of the V semester, 10 questions of multiple selection duration of 15 minutes with an average grade of 3.2 in 95 students 23 (24.2%) grade less than 3 and 72 (75.8 %)) with a score of 3 or more. In Physiology, 79 fourth-semester students, 25 multiple-choice questions, duration 35 minutes.


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